Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Having just begun our study of earthquakes what interesting facts have you learned about earthquakes so far? What do you what to still learn about earthquakes? Why do you think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes?


  1. I have learned that the largest recorded earthquake recorded was in Chile. It was a 9.5 earthquake. Earthquakes happen from stress in the lithosphere. I want to learn how earthquakes can cause aftershocks and tsunami's. I think its important for scientist to study earthquakes because maybe one day they can actually predict when a earthquake happens. I also think its important because without the study of earthquakes, we wouldn't know how large the quake was.

  2. I learned that earthquakes occur near faults and that earthquakes are caused by a sudden release of stress in the lithosphere. I sill want to learn if scientists can predict earthquakes. I think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes so that they can keep people safe by building, buildings or other things that would not be harmed in an earthquake.

  3. I learned that an earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rock along a fault. I also learned that about 80% of all earthquakes happen in a belt called the ring of fire. I think its important for scientists to learn more about earthquakes so they can predict whenthey are going to happen. This way they can prepare people for the shock.

  4. What I have learned about earthquakes is that the sudden release of stress causes earthquakes. Earthquakes are the shaking of the ground caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rock along a fault. The lithosphere cannot bend when stress is put on it so instead of flowing it breaks. I think scientist need to study earthquakes because I think it is very important that we somehow find out when they will happen so people will be safe. I would like to learn when they happen but it is unable to predict but that would keep us all safe.

  5. I have learned that earthqaukes happen when two plates are moving in opposite directions and when they get stuck they cant move until enough stress builds up and it breaks free. I dont really want to know anything else about earthqaukes. I think it is important for scientist to study earthqaukes because we should know when earthqaukes should happen so we can prepare.

  6. I think that the most interesting fact about earthquakes is the strength of an earthquakes depends on how much stress builds up before the rocks move and the distance the rocks move along the fault.I would like to know when the first earthquake happened.It is important for scientists to study earthquakes because it would be great if we knew when earthquakes happen so people would not loose their lives.Scientists should give up on finding the answer to predicting when earthquakes happen.

  7. An interesting fact that I have learned about earthquakes is that eatrhquakes occur when bulit up pressureform moving plates is released. I still want to learn why earthquakes ocurr. I think that it is important that scientists study earthquakes so that they can perdict when they will happen.

  8. So far, we have learned about the three types of faults along which earthquakes occur. I want to learn about techniques people can use to survive earthquakes. It is important for scientists to study earthquakes because that way, they will eventually figure out a way to predict them.

  9. Bethany :D : P : =) :-)November 16, 2010 at 4:17 PM

    I learned that earthquakes may occur along plate boundaries near faults. I also learned that there are three types of faults. The first type of fault is a normal fault. The second type of fault is a reverse fault. The third type of fault is a strike-slip fault. I still want learn about how the ground stops shaking or unjulating when the eathquake occurs. I think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because they are verry harmful. Earthquakes my cause people to die, and they can cause buildings to collapse,too.

  10. I think that learning about the different types of faults are interesting, and learning about some of the major earthquakes like the one in Chile. I woukd like to learn how long an earthquake would be. I think it's important for scientists to study earthquakes because that's how they found out about where the tectonic plates are.

  11. Interesting facts I have learned about earthquakes is they occur when plates move the surface of the ground and that the earthquakes can do so much damage but the can only last for a minute or even 30 seconds. What I still want to learn about earthquakes are that why do some occur so often, When an earthquake happens in water will there be less water were the earthquake occurred and did scientists ever figure out even thought plates move can there not be an earthquake? I think it is important to study earthquakes because the more you know about earthquakes the better because if we did not know about earthquakes then we would be unprepared. That is what I think about earthquakes.

  12. One of the most interesting things i have learned about earthquakes are how there are certain places where the occur i always thought they just happened where ever they wanted. I would like to learn about where certain earthquakes occurred. I think scientists study of earthquakes is important because earthquakes are very dangerous and if they keep doing research they may be able to predict them so people can leave their home and stay safe during the earthquake.

  13. Interesting facts I have learned about earthquakes are that they only occur in the lithosphere, and that the strength of an earthquake depends on how much stress builds up and the distance the rocks move along the fault.

    I still want to learn how the Richter scale measures earthquakes, and why an earthquake might happen far from a plate boundary.

    I think scientists study earthquakes because they can help prevent earthquake damage and predict volcanic activity.

  14. I have learned a lot about earthquakes already. I learned what they are, what causes the,, and where they occur. A sudden release of stress in the lithosphere causes an earthquake. I learned also why earthquakes only occur in the lithosphere and not in the asthenosphere. I want to learn many more facts about earthquakes, such as more about how they began and when the first earthquake was. It is very important for scientists to study earthquakes because if they stopped, we might never be able to know when earthquakes are coming, and more about how they started and how long they will last.

  15. Some interesting facts I have learned about eathquakes is that a sudden release of stress in the lithosphere causes an earthquake. About 80% of earthquakes occur in a belt called the ring of fire. Also earthquakes happen when the ground starts shaking caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rock along a fault. I still want to learn how stress is built up and released to form earthquakes. I also think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because they might tell us when they are coming and where.

  16. One of the facts that I have learned about earthquakes is that they occur near plate boundaries. Also, that earthquakes are measured on a scale by their magnitude. What I still want to learn is how far ahead a scientist can predict an earthquake. It is important for scientists to study earthgquakes in order to try to prevent the loss of life by early preparation such as building sturdy structures.

  17. Interesting facts i learned about earthquakes is that earthquakes happen in a few seconds. I still want to learn why do they happen. I think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because earthquakes happen everywhere around the world and they can kill people very fast.

  18. I've learned that earthquakes occur along transform boundries. I still want to learn, well nothing in particular, but something cool I guess. I think it"s important for scientists to study earthquakes because there's still so much more to learn, and maybe they'll learn where the earthquakes will happen next!

  19. David Joseph Andrew HroudaNovember 16, 2010 at 7:58 PM

    I have learned that earthquakes happen when two plates get stuck together, and in time create stress. After it can't take anymore the rocks start cracking and crumbling which creates the quake. I would like to learn why earthquakes occur. I think it is important because scientists can track the different types of plate movement.

  20. I have learned that earthquakes can damage anything in it's way.Iwant ot learn why earthqaukes happen.I thnk that it is important to study earthquakes becuase they would know where it would hit and how it would affect the people there

  21. What I learned about earthquakes is that it can do catastrophic damage in 20 seconds! Like in our textbook, I couldn't belive that, and my guess was a half hour! What I would like to learn is the maxium time an earthquake can occur. Also, how to dodge one because if it can bend train tracks in a few seconds, imagine what it could do to me! :]

  22. I have learned that earthquakes normally happen at tectonic plates but sometimes they can happen where two plates get stuck and they build up enough stress to break through. Stress is the force exerted when an object pushes on, pulls on, or pushes against. As stress builds up the rocks break free and that is what causes an earthquake. I think it is important for scientist to study earthquakes so that they may be able to tell when an earthquake is going to happen. I would like to learn if a scientist would be able to tell how strong and how long the earthquake may be.

  23. I learned that earthquakes happen in just 20 seconds. I still want to learn about how earthquakes occur when not near a plate boundary. It's important for scientists to study earthquakes because they should know what and how they happen so we can prepare for them.

  24. I learned that the largest earthquake in the world happened in Chile in 1960 had a magnitude of 9.5, and that earthquakes are caused by sudden movements on a fault.

  25. I've learned that the largest Earthquake was a 9.5 Earthquake in Chile. These Eathquakes happen from all of the stress build-up in the lithosphere. I want to learn how Earthquakes can cause after-shocks. I think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because without them, we wouln't even know what to call Eathquakes because we would just think that they would happen occasionally and never happen again.

  26. I leared that the largest earthquake happend in Chile.If we didn't know about them we will be unprepared.If we knew about earthquakes we will know that they last for about 30 seconds and they do alot of damage.Earthquakes occur when two tectonic plates push together, but sometimes it happens when the plates get stuck and build up enough stess to break through. Stess is the force exerted when an object pushes on, pulls on or pushes againest an object.I think that scientists should study earthquakes because they will know when it's happening and what it could do. Scientists should also know how long it will last and how much the stengh is.

  27. I would like to more learn about how earthquakes will be in a couple of years and if they will be able to warn people ahead of time. Earthquakes are very dangerous and bad for the economy because it can cost so much money to repair all the damages. Also in Japan the earthquake was 2 minutes and it did so much damage and cost millions of dollars.

  28. I learned that earthquakes occur from a sudden release of stress in the lithospere. I also learned that there are 3 types of faults where earthquakes occur. They are normal fault, reverse fault, and strike-slip fault. I would like to learn how scientists determine the size of the earthquake. I would also like to learn how people's lives are different from ours that live near the Ring of Fire. It is important for scientists to study erthquakes because they may be able to predict when when they happen someday. They should also study them so they can prepare for the damages when they occur.

  29. I learned that an earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by an abrupt shift of rock along a fracture in the Earth, called a fault. To be honest I wouldn’t wanna learn more about earthquakes, I would rather learn more about plate techtonics.

  30. I have learned that an earthquake occurs when built up pressure is released. And how they occur along tectonic plate boundaries. I would like to learn about 2 things and they are the levels and how they do so much damage in such little time. I think it is important for scentists to study earthquakes because they can learn more as they go and then they can tell us the new things they have learned.

  31. One interesting thing i learned about earthqukes, is that faults are formed at an earthquake.plate boundaries are formed to cause an earthquake. Also I would like to learn more about earthquakes and what type of boundary do most earthquakes form.I think scientist should study earthquakes because to give a warning to those in a earthquake area.I think it is interesting to learn about earthquakes and how they form.I hope it does to u.

  32. I learned that earthquackes can happen in 20 seconds and can cause alot of damage.I also learned that the largest earthquacke was in Chile.I still want to learn why don't they happen everyday? Why do they happen now and then? I think it is important for scientist to study earthquackes because if they don't then people won't have any warnings and they cn't predict when the next one id going to happen.

  33. I have learned that a sudden release of stress in the lithosphere causes an earthquake. Also, about 80% of earthquakes occur in a belt called the ring of fire that is around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. I would like to learn where earth quakes occur most often. I think scientists should study earthquakes so they can learn how to better predict when they are going to occur and maybe find a way to prevent earthquakes from happening.

  34. Dylan Joseph Zachary MurvineNovember 17, 2010 at 9:24 PM

    I have learned that the largest earthquake was in Chile and had a magnitude of 9.5.I want to learn why these horible things happen. I think scientist should stidy this to predict what and when these would happen so they can evacuate

  35. i think that the way earthquakes are made is intersting because of the faults being stuck then stress building up then the sudden release there you go an earthquake

  36. I think one thing that is interesting about earthquakes is how stress builds up.I would like to know how scientist scale an earthquake on a Richter scale.I think it is important that scientist study earthquakes so they know how it starts.

  37. One interesting thing that I have learned about earthquakes is that all earthquakes occur in the lithosphere. I would like to learn if there are any other ways scientists can measure earthquakes other than using the richter scale. I believe that it is importent that scientists study earthquakes so they can work towards knowing when they are about to happen.

  38. One thing i learned about earthquakes that caught my attention was about the Chille earthquake we learned about. I think it is important for scientist to study earthquakes so people do not get hurt and so they can find shelter. The scientist can warn people that an earthquake is coming toward us. I would like to learn more about different earthquakes as well!

  39. Earthquakes destroy many objects in the matter of seconds.The stress in the lithosphere push together and if they get stuck they break and causes a earthquake.Scientist study earthquake so they can know when a earthquake is about to happen and get ready for it.

  40. I think that the most interesting thing I learned was about the different plate bounderies. I would like to learn more about the age of the San Andreas fault. They need to study earthquakes so that they know when the next one will happen.

  41. I have learned that earthquakes happens in just seconds also most earthquakes happens along a plate boundary. I would like to learn if scientist know if a earthquake is coming. i think it is important for scientist to study earthquakes so maybe they can know if a earthquake will happen.

  42. I think one thing that is interesting about earthquakes is how the stress builds up and then breaks free so fast!I would like to know how to read a Richter scale and how to measure earthquakes with one.I think it is important that scientists study earthquakes so they can protect people from one.

  43. in tis leason about earthquakes i have learned that the san francisci earthquake of 1906 was not the largest earthquake ever but instead the chile earthquake was the biggest quake in history. i would like to learn about how to prepare for an earthquake. i think that it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because maybe they could learn ow to be prepared for them.

  44. Alexander BojakowskiNovember 18, 2010 at 6:30 PM

    I think that an interesting thing about earthquakes is that even though earthquakes occur at plate boundaries they still occur at places not near to plate boundaries. I think that scientists should find out how earthquakes occur at areas not near a plate boundary.

  45. I learned that earthquakes occur in the litosphere because it is a hard cold layer which can snap and break easily but not in the astenosphere because its like a layer of hot tar so it cant break and so in the astenosphere it would flow and there would be no snapping or breaking. I would still like to know more about the 3 types of earthquakes strike-slip,normal,and reverse. Also more about the San Andreas Fault.

  46. I have learned that earthquakes can cause a very large amount of damage in a short period of time. I still want to learn more aabout the different kinds of earthquakes. i think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because it helps them know more about how the earth is changing over time.

  47. Intresting things that I have learned about earthquakes is that earthquakes cannot hapeen in the asthenospher because it is too soft. another thing I learned avout earthquakes is thatan earthquake is usually very short but sometimes long and there is sometimes aftershocks that occur after the earthquake becuase of sizmic ripples.i would like to learn what the most useful tool is to measure earthquakes and why.I also think scientis should find out to make a safer material to an enviornment affected by earthquakes so bulidings will be stronger

  48. I have learned that earthquakes cannot occur in the asthenosphere and i learned that an earthquake could last for about 3 minutes and destroy an entire town. I also learned about the Prince William Sound earthquake which was one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded. I think scientists should continue their studies but try to focus on earthquakes more than anything.

  49. Some interesting facts I've learned about earthquakes is that the earth's lithosphere gets stuck on the movement of two plates in a transform boundary and causes an earthquake. Another fact that i learned so far is that the lithosphere can break like a popsicle stick but the asthenosphere is bendy and rubbery.Another fact thart i want to learn about earthquakes is how do earthquakes affect the mantle? I think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because what if there are other affects earthquakes can do to the earth or a city.

  50. I think it is very important for scientists to study earthquakes so they can determine when the next one will come. I would lidke to learn how often they occur, and where most earthquakes happen. So far we have learned the three different types of boundaries and the movements they make.

  51. Some interesting facts that I learned about Earthquakes is that the largest recorded Earthquake was the Chile Earthquake. I also learned that Earthquakes occur in the Lithosphere because stress builds up.

  52. I have learned that earthquakes are a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rock along a fault. I have also learned that earthquakes occur when built up pressure from moving plates is released. I still would like to learn if there are more types of plate boundaries. I think it is important for scientists to study earthquakes because if they didn't study they wouldn't know how earthquakes occur.

  53. I learned that the 2nd largest earthquake was in Alaska, but the 1st was in Chile. They usuallly happen on fault lines but sometimes don't. They also happen most frequently at transform boundaries but sometimes happens at the others
