Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Environmental Issues in Europe

Industrial growth in Europe has hurt the environment and created health risks. Air pollution has serious effects to the environment. One of these effects is acid rain. What is acid rain, and why is it harmful? What should be done to reduce air pollution and acid rain in Europe?


  1. "Acid Rain" is when pollution particles mix with precipitation and create harmful rain that damages trees and water. I think a way they can reduce air pollution is to maybe make a special chemical spray the you can put on trees that kills the acid but maybe could help the growth of trees, much like weed repellent that kills weeds and helps grass.

  2. Acid rain is when pollution rises up into the air and gets mixed in with the precipitation and when it rains, it is very harmful.
    Acid rain is harmful because if the rain lands into a body of water, it can kill sea creatures. Another reason why is when the acid rain lands on a tree and the tree can become weaker from the acid rain. I think a way to reduce air pollution in Europe is to stop the factories that are making the air pollution.

  3. Acid rain is when particles of air pollution mix with precipitation and this mixture falls to the ground. It is harmful because it can pollute waters, kill fish, and make trees vulnerable to disease and bugs. Buildings, especially historical ones, can also be damaged. To help protect the environment, farmers could go green by raising organic crops. Other people can stop using chemicals on their lawns. This would prevent runoff. Runoff is when rainfall washes chemicals into water ways.

  4. Acid Rain is created when smoke, harmful chemicals or any other types of air pollution mix with different types of precipitation. When these acids fall to the ground it can destroy forests, harm aquatic life, and damage buildings. My solution to stopping acid rain is that we should be careful about how much smoke or other things that we let into the air and if that is hard to do, then just do other things to help the environment.

  5. Acid rain is pollutant particles mixed with precipatation. Acid rain is harmful because it can destroy forests, kill fish, and can damage buildings. More people in Europe should car pool
    and they should decrease the use of coal and oil. If they decrease the use of these resources, the harmful effect of acid rain will decrase as well.

  6. Acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic. Acid rain is harmful to plants, aquatic animals, and buildings. I think that Europe should use different chemicals other then the ones that they are ussing now.

  7. Acid rain is pollutant particles moving together with precipitation. It is harmful because it kills many different types of plants, and if it kills to many, it could cut off our oxygen level.In Europe, the chemicals should not be tested near water, if it is it will eventually evaporate and create more acid rain.

  8. Acid rain is water mixed with chemicals or pollutant particles. Acid rain can also contain fertilizes used on farms. Acid rain is harmful because it can destroy forests, kill fish in the water, and damage buildings. To reduce air pollution Europeans can stop burning as much coal. What can be done to reduce acid rain is for farmers to stop using fertilizers on their farms.

  9. Acid rain comes down like rain but is much more dangerous. It is made from chemicals from factories. When it rains it gets mixed in with the water then gets washed into a lake, river, stream, or ocean. Next it gets evaporated into the clouds. Later when it rains, it rains the acid/water mixture. to reduce this people should be more careful when they work with it, like if they spill it they should clean it up, so it doesnt get washed away.

  10. Acid rain is a mixture of pollutant particles and precipitation. It is harmful to the environment because it makes trees vulnerable to insects and diseases. It also destroys buildings and is bad for human health. Europeans can reduce pollution by using clean natural resources instead of coal, petroleum and oil.

  11. Acid rain is made when pollutant particles mix with precipitation and fall to the Earth. These pollutant particles include sulfur and nitrogen compounds. Acid rain can be harmful to the aquatic creatures and waterways. The aquatic creatures such as fish can be harmed becuause they cannot survive in such acidy water the acid rain creates for them. Also, acidrain harms the trees by making them vulnerable to attack from insects and desease. To help lower pollution in the air, we can carpool and drive hybrid cars. This will help with the pollution your car exaust creates and puts into our atmosphere. Factories could also help lessen air pollution by using alternative energies such as solar and wind power for fuel, instead of elctric and gas.

  12. Acid rain is air pollution mixed with precipitation. Acid rain is harmful because it can hurt make trees weak so they are more vulnerable for insects to attack. I think that people should use resources that don’t cause pollution.

  13. Acid rain is when air pollution & precipitation (snow, rain, etc.) collide. Acid rain is harmful because when the rain gets into the waterways, and streams, it goes to the fishes & kills them. Then there won't be a lot of fish to fish, and Europe won't have any food because Europe eats a lot of fish. The poeple in Europe could reduce air pollution & acid rain by biking and walking more rather than driving in cars to make more air pollution.

  14. Acid rain is when air pollution mixes with the rain, snow, fog, dew, or hail. Another way acid rain could start is if someone sprays a pesticide or something else on their lawn, because when the precipitation evaporates the chemicals come with it too. Then when it rains again the chemicals come down with it and make acid rain.Acid rain can be harmful when the acid rain goes into rivers, oceans, lakes, seas, or ponds, because the chemicals and rain take up all the oxygen and the fish or the other marine life dies. Another way is the acid rain can kill trees. Acid rain in Europe can be reduced by the government telling all the workers of the factories that cause air pollution to try to keep control of all the smoke that goes in the air.

  15. Acid rain is sulfur and nitrogen compounds mixed with precipitation. Acid rain is harmful to plants, aquatic life and infrastructure. In order to reduce pollution people should carpool to cut down on emissions. Architects should think of using other materials instead of granite or stone to build large buildings.

  16. acid rain happens when pollutants like nitrogen and sulfer mix with water and creat sulferic and nitrogic acid and fall to the earth it then leaves trees vulnerable to insects and disease. It also affects all marine life in the area in which it falls. We can stop acid rain by burning less coal and driving less cars. if we did these things europe and the whole earth would be in 'better condition and we wouldn't have to worry as much

  17. Acid rain is a polluted particles mixed with precipitation. It is harmful because it goes into lakes, rivers, and streams which poisons the water and kills the fish.
    One way they can stop pollution is to stop using coal as its energy source. Instead they can use solar, wind, or hydroelectric power.

    ryan fer

  18. Acid Rain is pollution particles mix with precipitation and acid rain falls from the earth. It is harmful because acid rain destroys forests areas in Hungry, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. That is not it. Acid rain also kills many fish and wildlife because acid builds up in lakes, streams and rivers so it kills fish and many other animals. Acid rain can also damage historical builds like the famous Tower of London or the Cathedrals in Europe. That is what acid is and how it is harmful to you and things around you.

  19. Acid rain occurs when gases react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form various acidic compounds. Acid rain negatively affects surface waters and aquatic animals, forests, automotive coatings, materials, visibility, and human health. You can reduce the amount of acid rain by carpooling, walking, and checking your air conditioning units for leaks.

  20. Acid rain is rain that has pollutant in it. Acid rain is harmful because it effects animals and nature. What Europe should cut down on gas and stop burning coal so much and thats what we can do to stop acid rain and pollution to harming ower earth.

  21. Acid rain is when chemicals from air pollution that combine with precipitation.It is harmful because acid rain falls on Europe's waterways as well as it's forests. As acids build up in lakes, rivers, and streams fish and other wildlife are poisoned and die.

  22. Acid rain is when chemicalas from air pollution that combines with air precipitaion. It's harmful because ir ruins plant life and kills animals. Europeans should watch their lakes streams forest and woods becaue it may destroy their envirorment and people. Also some people may not want to go to or live in the town or city.

  23. It is pollution mixed with precipatation to make acid rain.It hurts the forest, and it kills fish,animals,and etc.We can recycle ,or we can find a better substance to use for coal.

  24. Acid rain is a mixture of chemicals and precipitation that falls from the sky. Acid rain can be harmful because it can kill fish and other marine life. It can also destroy trees and forests, too. To stop acid rain in Europe, the Europeans can burn less coal and car fuel. That is what acid rain is, how it can be harmful, and how to stop it.

  25. Acid rain is chemicals from air pollution that combine with precipitation.Acid rain falls onto trees and can make them vulnerable to the attack of insects and disease. I think we should try recycling more and try not to use the car as often. All these things can make a difference.

  26. Emily Gindele!!:)))October 6, 2010 at 4:55 PM

    1. What Is Acid Rain? Pollutant Particles Mix With Precipitation Is Acid Rain.
    2.Why Is It Harmful? It Is Harmful As Acids Build Up In Lakes, Rivers, And Streams. Fish And Other Wildlife Are Poisoned And Then They Die.

  27. Acid rain is a snowlike form of precipitation that is caused by air pollution. It is harmful because it can hurt trees, kill fish and other wildlife, and can ruin Famous History Buildings. We should not use our cars as much. We should carpool when possible or take a bike if it is not that far away.

  28. Acid rain is pollutant particles that mix with precipitation and then fall. It can fall in any form of precipitation.
    Acid rain is harmful because it destroys forests, pollutes waterways which causes fish to die do to the high amount of acid, and acid rain also damages buildings.
    I think a way to cut down air pollution is to limit the numbers of companies that release the pollutants and add a non-toxic chemical to the pollutants that disperse the pollutants.

  29. Acid rain is particles mixed with precipitation.Acid rain can make trees vulnerable to attack from insects and disease.Acid rain falls on Europe's waterways as well as its forests.

  30. I think acid rain is rain that falls and mixes with fertileizer and gets into our water system. Acid rain is harmful because it can kill different fish that we never heard of die and it can cuase mutation.We should use less fertileizer
    and not use much of the powerplants.:)

  31. Acid rain is a mixture of pullutant particles and precipitation. Acid rain is harmful because acid rain is putting fish and other aquatic wildlife in danger. Acid rain is also a problem for Europe's historic buildings. Monuments from Greek and Roman times all show damage from acid deposits. I think that people should clean up exhaust pipes and help clean up a damaged enviorment.

  32. Acid rain is when nitrogen oxygen and sulfur oxygen are combined with other substances in the air wich makes acid.It is harmful because it can cause trees to die,fish to die, and buildings are damaged.

  33. Acide rain can make trees vulnerable to attack insects and disease. Acide rain is particles mixed with percipitation.

  34. Acid rain happens when the particles from the pollution mix with the ones from the precipitation and they fall to Earth. This is harmful because it can damage forests, waterways, and buildings. To reduce acid rain and air pollution Europe can start using clean resources for energy that don't pollute the atmosphere.

  35. Acid rain is bad for our earth because it carries chemicals from the ground like fertilizer. This could be helped by using less fertilizer on farms and other places where you would use this and other chemicals.

  36. Acid rain is when air pollution mixes with rain. It's harmful because it can hurt the marine life in rivers, lakes, oceans, and ponds and it can make trees vulnerable. People can reduce acid rain by walking places not taking the bus or driving a car, and stop putting garbage in the waterways of Europe

  37. Acid rain is the result of pollutant particles mixing with precipitation. It is harmful because when it falls to forests and historic buildings it damages them. It is also harmful because when it builds up in waterways it poisens fish and other wildlife. To reduce air pollution and acid rain in Europe I think people should not use chemicals and gasses that do not burn cleanly.

  38. Acid rain could be very dangerous.It can be very harmful to things like trees.Air pollution coulld also be very dangerous and harful.For example,in Chernobly after 20 years after the disaster,it was still ongoing.They might sound interesting but, they are very dangerous.

  39. Acid rain is pollutant particles mixed with precipitation. It is very harmful because it can make trees vulnerable to diseases and insects attacking the trees. Many forests in Eastern Europe are threatened by acid rain and its effects. I personal think that it would be a go idea for the people that live and work in Europe should not burn coal and use less car fuel. Acid rain also damages building,when the rain falls into the waterways fish and other wildlife are poisoned and die, and other effect I learned of is it destroys many forests.

  40. Acid rain is chemicals in air pollution mixed with precipitation. This can kill fish and destroy forests and buildings. They should try to use more wind and solar power for energy instead of coal.

  41. Acid rain is chemicals from air pollution that combine with precipitation. Acid rain falls on Europe's waterways and forests and can affect Europe's environment, historic buildings, and trees. I think it can be reduced by shutting down some plants and factories that uses natural resources such as coal which is a rough burner and causes a lot of air pollution.

  42. Acid rain is when pollutent particles mix with precipitation, acid rain falls to earth.It is harmful because it can make trees vulnerable to attack from insects and disease. people put pesticides on plants, which keep bugs away, but that is harmful because when it rains it can run down into rivers which are then polluted. It is the same thing with the acid rain, it can run down into lakes and rivers. thats why I think people people in Hungary, poland ect. should start using some more ecofriendly oil instea of the highly pollutent oil, even if it is more money. thats why I thinkpeople should use things that do not pollute the earth.

  43. Acid rain is a mixture of particles of precipitation. It is harmful because it causes health problems such as eye irritation and lung disease.

  44. Acid rain is a mixture of precipitation and chemicals from air pollution. Acid rain is harmful because it can kill many types of animals because they can't survive in those tough conditions, it also damages many buildings. I think that it can be reduced by Europe getting another type of coal, which that coal burns very slowly and pollutes the air more than other coal, even though it is cheaper Europe can still at least try to get a better type of coal.

  45. Acid rain is more acidic than normal rain. It can pollute lakes and hurt wildlife. Also, it can destroy buildings. Acid rain is caused by pollution. To help reduce this problem, factories in Europe could find ways to create power that do not use fossil fuels. Instead of burning coal, factories could use solar or wind power to get their electricity.

  46. Acid rain is a miture of puluted paticles and precipitation. It affects Europes Envirement by making trees vonerable, damaging old buildings and killing marine life.One way we can stop this is cutting down on car use, use a subtitute like a hybrid, walking, or riding a bike.

  47. Acid rain is air pollution that mixes with precipitation and can get into Europes waterways and forests. It kills the forests and wildlife. Maybe they could make a chemical wall to block the chemicals from entering the waterways and forests. And they could make a drain tube for the waterways so they don't overflow because of precipitation.

  48. Acid rain, or called acid deposition by scientists, is when chemicals, mainly nitrogen and sulfur compounds, mix in with the water in clouds to make an acidic rain. It is harmful because it can kill plantlife, damage buildings, polluter rivers and such, and can kill crops causing farmers' businesses to have low sales. Acid rain and air pollution can be stopped by using other means of transportation like bikes or walking instead of buses and cars. Acid rain can be stopped if factories don't produce as much as chemicals and coal that hurt the air, and could perhaps gather it and burn it somewhere else.

  49. Acid rain is a mix of air pollution that mixes up with precipitation. It kills bruch of forests and wildlife that Europe has. Acid rain is harmful because if the rain lands into a body of water that can kill sea creatures. acid rain can be stopped if factories don't produce the chemicals and coal that hurt the air. Acid rain can also desttoy bulidings in Europe.

  50. Acid rain is pollution mixed with rain that can kill buildings,animals,and humons.What we can do to stop the acid rain is by not polluting the air

  51. Best Guy on Earth (Owen Sweeney) (:October 7, 2010 at 3:59 PM

    Acid rain is sulfur and nitrogen mixed in with with the water in the clouds. It is sent back down from the atmosphere in the form of precipitation and it can harm marine life, Buildings, and any animal life.

  52. acid rain is when acid in the air and rain water is mixed. this is a big problem for farms because of runoff. runoff is when water hits the ground and starts to flod then the flood water takes any chemicals being used as lawn fertilizer and desroys anything it hits.

  53. Acid rain is when air pollution and precipitation mix and it causes buildings to be damaged, it kills plantlife, and it kills wildlife living in waters that are polluted and kills wildlife that drinks from the polluted waters.

  54. Acid rain is harmful becuase it is chemicals from dirty resources like coal and and other resources. It is harmful because when it land on plants it poision theme and kills fish in rivers.We can start to use healthier ways to produce energy like bukiding windmills and using less coal.

  55. Acid Rain is when smoke,bad chemicals,and pollution mix with types of precipitation.This can harm forests and wildlife.My solution to stop acid rain is to be careful what chemicals and how much smoke we use.

  56. Acid rain is when pollution mixes with the rain. It kills animals and can harm the forests. We can stop acid rain by using less coal.

  57. Acid rain comes from car exhaust and it rises up in the air and travels.It can get into waterways and forests.Acid rain can get in to the soil and kill the trees.Acid rain can get in to waterways but killing fish and wildlife around the wayerways.

  58. I think that the factories in Europe need to stop burning the cheap coal and acid rain is where pollution gets into the waterways and rain and destroys buildings and kills wildlife

  59. Acid rain is a big issue. It can be stopped by stopping pollutants.

  60. acid rain is a big issue. it can hurt trees,people,animals and posine lakes. it can be stoped by stopping poulition
