Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Compare and contrast physical and political map. How are they alike? how are they different? Your answer should be at least 5-7 sentences. Spelling and grammar counts!


  1. There are many differences between physical and political maps. One of them is that on physical maps they show physical features such as rivers, lakes, oceans, seas, and mountains. Also on political maps they show political features such as towns, cities, states, countries, and continents. But both of these maps inform you. And these are the differences between the two maps.

  2. A physical map shows all the physical features of a place like mountains, deserts, and grasslands. A political map shows all the places like the cities, states, or countries. They are alike because they both show the same places. They are different because the physical shows all the landforms and mountain ranges and political shows all the places. Political maps show the rivers, lakes, oceans, and seas too. They also show boarders of the land o
    and bodies of water.

  3. The Political and Physical Maps are the same because they tell you stuff about the earth. They both give you very good information that you need to know to go on vacation and know how to get there. A Political map is the type of map that tells you about the weather and about how much rain fall there is and how much snow there is in any place. A Physical map is a map that tells you all about the physical features like mountains, plains, and much more. A Physical map also tells you about the lakes, rivers, oceans, and seas. I think the maps are both important because you need the knowledge to do the fun things.

  4. Physical and political maps are different because physical maps show land features such as rivers, mountains, and lakes. Political maps show states or countries and their boundaries. They are alike because they both show you different places that you need to know where they are. They are both showing features in some way. That is how physical and political maps are alike and different.

  5. Physical and political maps show our Earth but in completely different ways. Physical maps show us the physical features of our Earth such as mountains, plains, highlands, rivers, oceans, etc. Political maps show us boundries, borders, states, contries, etc. They both show us the same land area, just in different ways. You would use them for different reasons. You would use a physical map to see what land features the area has, and you can also see what the climate is like. You would use a political map to see where the state's or country's borders are, or to see where the cities are in that area. As you now know, physical and political maps can show the same area but you will not see the same features on them.

  6. The similarities of physical and political maps are they are both maps that show places on Earth. Another similarity is they both shown countries and continents. Some differences are political maps show boundries of places on Earth, and physical maps show features on Earth's surface. Physical maps also show elevation of mountians, and plains. Sometimes political maps can show things such as state capitals, and boundries of cities and counties.

  7. One reason they are different is a political map's lines define countries, states or territories, but a physical map shows physical features of a country, state or territory. Also physical maps have rivers, mountains and oceans and political maps have countries, borders and main cities. If you are looking up a road or a capital city you should refer to a political map but if you are trying to locate a river or mountain you should refer to a physical map. The two maps have more differences then similarities but the things that they have in common is that they can both show rivers. Also a similarity you might notice is they may have similar boundaries. They both usually are in color as well. That is how physical and political maps are alike and different.

  8. A political map shows states, borders, and countries. A physical map shows real photos. An example is Google earth. They are the same because they both show the earth. They also both show pictures from a height.

  9. A physical map and political map are different because a political map shows you where cities, capitals, and states are. A physical map shows you where mountains and rivers are located. They are alike because both show the same state, country, or continent. They are also alike because they both have borderlines where the states or countries are. These are the reasons how political and physical maps are different and alike.

  10. Political and physical maps are alike and different in some ways. Here are some ways. They are alike because they both display information on a certain place. They are different because political maps display information like boundaries for counties, states, and countries. They also show highways, cities, and capitals. But physical maps show landforms like lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, and oceans. The main difference is that political maps don't show landforms.

  11. Political maps and physical maps are the same because they both show the same place if they are both on the same region. They are both on a piece of paper or on a GPS. They both show certain places. They are different because political maps show towns, cities, etc. Therefore physical maps must show maps show the elevations and the physical features of regions. All in all, these two types of maps should be used together.

  12. Physical and Political are very helpful. They're alike because they both tell you the qualities of that country, or nation. They are different because one says the politiics, and the other says the reigons. Also, you use one for a certain thing, and the other for a different things. Thats how maps are alike, and different.

  13. There are several differences between physical and political maps. A physical map shows the physical features of a place such as mountains, lakes, rivers, platues, etc. A political map marks the location of cities within states. The two maps are alike because they both show the border of the states and countries. Also, some of these maps often show the oceans and seas.

  14. A politic map shows location of places on Earth. Also they show borders to countries, cities, highways etc. A physical map shows the location of features on Earth. Such as mountains, oceans etc. That is how they are different now let’s find out how they are alike. One way is they both show a location of something on the Earth. Another is that they are both a type of map.

  15. The differences between a physical map and a political map is that the physical map shows the physical features of the area. Some physical features are mountain ranges, rivers, lakes, and sometimes even these maps can show the level of the land and roadways. The political maps do not show physical features though, they show states, borders, cities, and capitals. Both maps have different concepts, one shows political features and the other shows physical features. The similarities include that they both show the characteristics of the location you are learning or studying about and they both can help you navigate your way through different places to get where you need to be.

  16. Political and physical maps are alike because they both show how to get to a place. They also both show the earth and its features. This is how political and physical maps are different. Physcal maps show mountains, deserts, and land features. Political maps show cities, states,and borders.

  17. A physical map shows lakes and mountains . A political map shows countries,continents,and states. That is how they are not alike. THey are similar bcause they both show areas of population. Another way they're similar is they both show land and sea.

  18. A physical map shows the mountains,rivers,and lakes. A political map shows the countries, capital cities, and cities. Physical maps are diffrent because they don't show the cities or counties. A political map dosen't show mountains and rivers.

  19. A physical map shows mountains and other features. A political map shows boundarys. It also shows the names of countries and states. That is what the differences between physical and political maps.

  20. Political and physical maps are different because in political maps it just has countries, states, capitols, and cities. Physical maps have landforms, water forms, states, countries, and capitols. The differences are landforms, water forms, and cities. The similarities are countries, states, and capitols. These are the differences and similarities of political and physical maps.

  21. The difference between a physical and political map is that a political map shows political features such as state and country boundaries and cities. A physical map shows physical features such as mountains, lakes, and rivers. These maps can also be alike. They both show certain countries, continents, and states. They also are alike because they both show where certain things are in a certain area of land. That is how physical and political maps can be alike.

  22. The physical maps are different from political maps because:
    1) Political maps show exact places and borders.
    2) Physical maps show physical features.
    3) Political maps name the cities that are in that area that it is showing.
    4) Physical maps label the rivers and mountain ranges and any other land feature.
    5) They are the same because they are both maps and they both label something.

  23. Political maps are maps showing boundaries of continents, countries, cities, and many more.
    Physical maps are features of the earth's surface.
    Political maps show all the states and the capital of that state and the major cities that contribute to that state. Physical maps show all the rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges, and other features in that state or country, this map also includes the capital but not all the boundaries and cities. Personally I like political maps, but I still need physical maps to see all the land and water features.

  24. The physical and political map are alike. They both are maps and they show different countries depending on the area it covers. They are also different. A physical map shows the details of the area such as mountains, rivers, and lakes. And a political map shows the states, and cites and it is more concerned with showing you the boundaries of the states and countries.

  25. The difference between a political map and a physical map is that a physical map is a map that show which features of the earth's surface. The political maps is a map which shows the boundaries of countries, cities, highyways, and ect. The political map and the physical map are silmalar because they both show some type of feature. Also theyy are both maps. But the political map and physical map bothshow land and sea areas. They both can show the area's of population.

  26. Political and Physical maps are very different. They both show you the shape of countries and islands. To find information about cities and roads you will want to use a political map, political maps are often flat and show country borders in bright colors to help show the edges of countries. A physical map is specially designed to show the geographic features of an area. There is an area of the map that shows all symbols used to represent the geographic features, as well as other important information. All bodies of water are marked on the map in one color and the map shows whether they are streams, rivers, lakes or larger bodies of water, and the same with land forms

  27. A physical map is a map that shows features of the earth's surface. It's also shows mountain ranges and heights above sea level. A political map is a map which shows boundaries of countries, cities, highways and other things. It has color to show boundaries of countries and of human features.They are alike because they both give you information of the earth surface.

  28. A physical map shows mountains and rivers. So, if you wanted to see where the Appalachian Mountains, you would look up the physical map of North America. A political map shows the climate of a state or country. So, if you wanted to see the climate of Brazil, you would look up a map of Brazil and the map would show you the climate of brazil or any other country.

  29. The main difference between political maps and physical maps is that political maps show countries, continents, and such and physical maps show mountains, landforms, waterforms, and so on. Political maps are primalrily used for maybe locating a location or finding population density. Physical maps are used for maybe finding important landforms to describe a place or finding where mountain ranges span. Political maps are also used for finding a state or a country`s boundary. Another use for a physical map is to find maybe a specific peninsula on a continent or find a lake. These maps are very different. If you wanted a reason they are alike, they are both maps.

  30. A physical map shows features of earth's surface. An example is the Pacific Ocean. A political map shows the boundaries of countries, cities, and highways. An example is Bensalem. The difference between a physical and a political map is that a physical map shows features and a political map shows the boundaries.

  31. The difference between political and physical maps are that physical maps show mountains , rivers , and lakes , but political maps don't. They are also differrent because political maps have states , capitols, and cities on them , but physical maps don't. Physical maps also show the land features like plateau's ,and basins. The reason they are alike is because they both list the oceans. The last reason they are alike is because they both have compasses on them.

  32. Physical and political maps are different because a physical map shows geographical features of an area on the Earth's surface. Symbols can be used to represent different physical features of the map some examples are lakes, rivers, and mountains. Meanwhile, a political map shows the boundaries of countries, cities, highways, and more. These maps show country borders in bright colors to help identify the edges of countries. Political and physical maps are alike because they are both maps and they both give information about a city, state, or country on Earth. Each of these maps also show the land and the sea.

  33. There are many differences between a political and physical map. One of them is that a political map shows features such as states, countries, counties, and capitals. While a physical map shows physical features like rivers, mountains, plateaus. They also have similarities. One similarity is they both show a certain location on earth. The last similarity would be is that they both show the same borders.

  34. The physical map is different because it shows the land features and mountains. A political map shows the cities and towns in a certain area. On a physical map, it usually shows the colors of the environment or terrain that area is near or in. On a political map, the countries all are usually different colors to make it easier to find the borders of that country and find where the country is. They are alike because on both maps you can see the borders of different counties.

  35. Physical maps show basic aspects of land and water.Political maps feature division of lands, such as continents, countries, states, towns and so on, with no mountains or plains.Physical and political maps have more differences than commonalities. Physical maps show features such as mountains. Political maps show state and national boundaries, cities, roads. Physical maps do not show anything political maps show, but political maps often show certain terrain features such as rivers.

  36. A physical map shows physical features such as mountains, rivers, deserts, and other landforms. A political map shows features such as boundaries, cities, states, and sometimes population. A physical map is usually colored according to height or vegetation. Both physical and political maps help you learn something about where you are going, what is in an area, or where a place is compared to other places. Both types of maps are used around the world.

  37. The differences between physical and political maps are: physical maps show the physical features on earth like mountains, grass lands, rivers, oceans and more. Political maps show the shapes of the states the capitals of the states, and the countries and cities. Political maps are usually flat and use bright colors.
    Physical and political maps are alike because they both are maps that show parts of the earth. They are alike because they both are used to make maps and globes.

  38. physical maps show the characteristics of the land. political maps show the roads and towns. a physical map shows the dimension while the political shows you the lines. on a physical map you can learn what is inside the land like mountains and valleys. on a political map you can learn what the land are like, like Canada, India, or Iran. this is what i think about these maps.

  39. Physical and Political maps are different in many ways. One way is that a physical map tells you were the montains and other land forms are. Political maps just tell you were the oceans and the states, capitals and all the countries are. Also most physical maps are green, brown, yellow and,black. Political maps are often colorful.they are alike because they both tell u were something is and were is it near .

  40. A physical map is different because it shows the land. Also shows lakes and oceans. A political map is different because it shows all of the countries. It also shows all of the capitals of the contries. They are both the same because they both show the seas and the islands.

  41. Physical maps show geographical features of an area such as mountains, rivers, plateaus and lakes. These maps are most often used by travelers to guide them to specific locations. Political maps show man made boundaries such as states, countries, capitals and major cities. They are commonly used to gain information about cities, roads or highways. The maps are similar in the sense that they both show country borders, major cities and significant bodies of water. The maps are also similar in that they both use colors to describe certain parts of the map such as borders, water, and elevations. They both have a compass rose, a scale and show oceans. Both maps are important tools to use.

  42. The differences between a political and physical map is very quite simple that the human eye can notice. Physical maps include elevation, rivers, lakes, canals, seas, oceans and mountains -phisical features. A political map include the borders of states, countries, continents, and coast lines. As you could tell there were many difference between the two maps.

  43. The different things about physical and political maps are,that physical maps show things like mountain ranges, lakes, river, and oceans. Political maps show state boundries,countries, and cities. Most maps have a compass rose, a scale, and the distance between places. Many geographers use these types of maps to some of their research. they are some differences between Physical and Political maps.

  44. Political maps and physical maps are different because political maps use colors patterns. They also have borders, country names, state names, and continent names; also it shows cities, and capitols. The political map is used to show you where the cities capitols and state country or continent is. But a physical map has natural resources (water forms and landforms) like plateaus, lakes, rivers, oceans, mountains, centrals, plains. This map is used to show you where natural resources are. The similarities of these two different types of maps are that they both show the name of the state, continent, or country. Also they both have a compass rose, they both show the oceans, and they both have keys to tell something about the continent, state, or country.

  45. The difference between a political and a physical map is that a political map shows the boundaries of regions, states, cities and countries. On a political map you would be able to find where you live. An example is: Bensalem,Pennsylvania,North Eastern region,United States. A physical map shows you geographical features, such as mountains,lakes, and plateaus. They are alike because they are both maps,they both have a compass rose and show oceans, even though physical maps may show oceans in more detail.

  46. There are many differents between a political and physical map.A political shows the shapes of the states and the capitals. If you were looking for streets or cities you are looking at a political map.A physical map shows rivers ,moutains,lakes and plateaus.A physical map is what travelers or hikers would want to use.

  47. Some ways political and physical maps are alike are:
    1. They both show people where places or things are.
    2. They usually both have map keys.

    Some ways they are different are:
    1. Political maps show states, provinces, and countries, while physical maps show landforms and water forms.
    2. A physical map has no boundaries while a political map does.

  48. A physical map shows nature features such as mountains, plains, rivers, creeks, and such things like that. That would help you tell what kind of area it is. A political shows human made features or boundries such as buildings, statues, states, countries, and such things like that. That would tell where things are. They are similar because they both tell you about the area

  49. There are a few differences between political and physical maps. One difference is that a physical map shows the physical features of an area, and some physical features include mountains, rivers, and deserts. A political map shows the boundaries of counties, states, and countries. Political and physical maps can be similar in some ways. They are alike because they both show the same areas. They are also alike because they both have a compass rose and a scale. This is what I believe are the differences and similarities of physical and political maps.

  50. The difference between physical and political maps is that physical maps show the physical features such as mountains, lakes, rivers,and land. These are used for weather and other scientific changes. The political map shows feature such as streets,buildings,and cities. These are used for travel and everyday use by billions of people. If I could study maps in the future, I would prefer to study physical maps because they seem more interesting.

  51. Political and Physical maps are different in many ways. A political map shows the borders of the states and countries. The physical map will rarely show borders. A physical map shows mountain ranges, rivers, plateaus, and valleys. A political map shows only the names of the oceans. A political map also might show the outline of the major rivers but will rarely show the names. It all depends on what kind of physical and political maps but the major difference is what the tell you. Which on the physical map is the landforms and water forms. For the political map is the borders of states and countries.

  52. A Physical Map shows landforms, mountains, plateaus, and bodies of water.Also Physical Map also shows a name of a country or state.A Political Map shows mostly where a country or state is located.A Political Map also shows the cities and capitals where they are located, plus the name of the state.Physical and Political maps show and tell us a lot about the Earth, countries, and states.

  53. Political maps and physial maps are simalar because they both show the name of a state, continent, or a country. They also have a key to show something about a state, continent, or a country. They also both have a compass rose to show the directions north, south, east, or west. Political and physical maps are different because a political map has the name of the state, continent, or country while a physical map doesn't. A political map also shows the borders of a state, continent, or a country. Although a physical map doesn't have the name or border of a state, continent, or a country, it does show the physical features of a state, continent, or a country while a political map doesn't. A physical feature is a landform or a water form in a state, continent, or a country. For example a a waterform can be a river, stream, creek, navigable, or a water fall. A landform can be a hill, mountian, plateau, or a pass.

  54. There are some differences between political and physical maps. Physical maps show rivers, mountains,and deserts. Political maps show states or contries and the boundries of them. There alike because they both tell you abot the region but in different ways. Thats how political and physical maps are alike and different.

  55. Physical and political maps are different in several ways. One way is that physical maps show features such as mountains, rivers, and lakes. Political maps show borders of states and countries. These maps are also similar in several ways. One way is that they both have a legend or key to show features.

  56. Phyiscal maps shows the states in that country or place for example Wong Dong, China. Ploitical maps shows what is in that state or place for example Helena, Montana. These maps are the same by they both shows you where the location is if your on a tour, vacation, or trips. These are the same and differences on poitical and phyiscal maps

  57. The maps are alike by:
    - They are both maps.
    - They both show states.
    They are different by:
    - The Physical Map shows Physical features.
    - The Physical Map shows Land forms.
    - The Political Map shows roads and high ways.
    - The Political Map shows states and cities.
    - The Political Map shows the boundarys of states.

  58. The differences between a political map and a physical map is that a political map shows states, borders, and mountains. A physical map shows where something is. It also shows phsical pheatures like a trail if you go hikeing, or a dam, or if I went skiing I would want to know where to go, or even just driving on a road I would not want to get lost. If I went skiing i would want a physical map. If I where going into an airplane I would want to know where I was so I would want a political map. These two maps political and physical are alike because they are both maps and they both show things. They are not alike because a political map will show you the mountains and states and there boarders.

  59. The difference between political and physical map is the boarders of the states and countries.
    A physical map shows mountains and where they divid a state or country. They are alike because they both are maps because they both are maps and they both show where somthing is.

  60. There are many differnces between political maps and physical maps. One way is that a political map shows borders of states and countries.While a physical map shows features of the earth such as mountains,canyons,valleys and bodies of water.
